Places to Visit in Sitapur

Sitapur City

Naimisharanya Dham

Naimisharanya is renowned from the time of Satya Yug or Kritha Yug, the most ancient times. It is the holy place where many sages have performed their penance. It is believed that on visiting this sacred place, people are rid of their sins. Upon visiting Naimisharanya, man attains Moksh (liberation) and attains immense powers (the eight powers that are talked about in Hindu philosophy). These words and their importance are mentioned in various ancient scriptures of India. Naimisharanya is also referred to as Naimish or Neemsaar or Neemshaar

Shyamnath Temple

Shyamnath Temple is an oldest temple in Sitapur.There a Large statue of Lord Shiv is situated in the middle of Jal-Kund. In month of savan many Kavariya's came here to worship Lord Shiva. Har Har Mahadev.

Maharshi Dadhichi Kund.

As per legends, Devats requested Brahma ji to help them to destruct Vatrasur who was a source of harassment to them. Hence Maharishi Dadhichi was requested to provide his bones for making a Vajra. Before giving his bones, Maharshi took bath in this Pond which was made a combination of water from holy rivers. The significant of Mishrikh is well described in Padampuram (Aadikhand).

Shri Sai Baba Temple.

Shri Sai Baba temple is situated in the bank of Sarayan River. This place is very calm and beautiful.Every Thursday a lot of people came here to worship.